Wednesday, September 22, 2010

King (written Nov 2006)

Blindsided by truth that I can not ignore,
The hopes and dreams of those long dead heros,
Laid to rest in an overstuffed coffin.

Wake up ye Men who wish for more.
I call out with the voice you forgot you had,
That this time will not be the same.

We have all suffered the toils from others,
For in our blood flowed the burden of slaves,
And now smelts the victory against injustice.

Wake up ye Men who wish for more.
I call out with a voice you forgot you had,
And we shall stand unashamed of our country.

Where once we had chains to bind us down,
Now is offered chains to link us together,
And all are needed to make it complete.

A face to everyone, individual,
Blended in to the picture of beauty,
All are welcome for we have none but love.

Wake up ye Men who wish for more.
Call with my voice if I forgot our path,
And we shall climb the summit with ease.

I see the tomorrow when you are with me,
And all stand in unity without shame.
Perhaps not by blood, we will be kin then.

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